Thursday, December 5, 2019

Business Information Analysis Structures - Policies and Needs

Question: Discuss about the Business Information Analysis for Structures, Policies And Needs ? Answer: Introduction This report is based on the primary aspects of business information analysis. The paper focuses on assessing the practices regarding defining the needs for change, analyzing the corresponding values to the stakeholders of the organizational business and ultimately recommends appropriate solutions. The fundamental purpose of performing the business analysis activities is to apply a particular set of tools and technologies for understanding the required changes in the structure and policies for the business to be able to recommend the proper solutions so that the organization achieves its objectives successfully. The report includes multiple statements based on the data collection process carried out for yielding valuable information from the respondents. The total number of respondents is 109. The student respondents were asked questions typically about the common concerns and differentquestions about business information analysis and relevant factors that assists in uncovering the aspects and finally achieving the goals and objectives of the study. Statements Majority of the students need improvements in the quality of teaching, social events and class sizes of the University Rationale It is true as the major portion of the students including both male and female of age group between 18 to 41 studies accounting finance and business in the University. As the majority of students are studying in the mentioned subjects so there is a need for larger classes in the University.Majority of students studying Accounting and Finance and Business with Accounting who took the business information analysis test found the urge to participate and experience different social events to enhance teamwork capabilities, introduce recreational activities and establish a sporting spirit inside the University. Analysis The responses to questions range from 1 (Highly disagree) and 5 (Highly agree). It is assumed that a student suggesting 4 or 5 highly agrees to the need of improvements in the facilities of the University.With the large number of students of business, finance and accounting studies, it is important that the Universityfocus on improving the class sizes so that more number of students can be accommodatedeasily inside the classrooms. Apart from that, the quality of teaching was another common factor mentioned by the students. Other factors of concern were improvement of the various facilities, introducing more number of social events in the Universitys educational environment. The majority of the student respondents were male between the ages of 18 to 32 and undertaking business with accounting and finance studies. When asked about their likeliness of the test on business information analysis, most of the responses were either neutral or quite likely. Conclusion and Recommendations The University has the highest number of students studying accounting, finance, and business with accounting, and therefore, most students felt the need of larger class sizes so that greater number of students is accommodated easily. Apart from that, introducing social events in a more frequent basis will help creating a fun environment that will motivate the students even more. It essentially helps boost the students energies and establish productive ways for refreshments and sporting events. Furthermore, it can facilitate the students to improve and increase their level of interaction with each other providing them with enhanced capabilities to collaborate and coordinate with their team members. Majority of the students avail University bus and public transportation to reach the University Rationale This statement is true as out of the total 109 students, 65 of the students avail the public transport or University bus to reach the University for their Study.Another significant portion of the Universitygoers takes a walk or has a Car. Besides, those who stay nearby usually walk to the University and others use cars to reach their University. Most of the students attend the University lectures and workshops four or five days a week. The frequency of students visiting the library is also moderately high. About four or five students visit the library every day. Others moderately visit the library for study purposes. To be more precise, students usually go to the library, at a minimum three to four times. Two of the student respondents specifically replied with zero times that they visit the library. Analysis The various preferences for transportation was gathered form the students to analyze their choices to reach the University.From the received results and outcomes of the information collection process, it is evident that students who live in nearby places to the University prefer walking to the University rather than taking the public transports or even the University bus. On the contrary, among the students who usually stay at faraway or distant locations from the University, mostly choose the public transport to come to the University. Besides, a significant portion of the student population also avail their personal cars to attend the University lectures. Conclusion and Recommendations From the above outcomes and analysis of the results, it can be said that the students mostly prefer the public transport to go to University. However, students living quite closer to the University prefer to come to the University on foot. Apart from that, most of the students visit the library almost four to five days a week. Around five students daily go to the library to study. Therefore, it can be concluded that the University library occupies a major contribution towards the educational improvements of the students. The students were also asked about the frequency in which they attend the different workshops and lectures held at the University premises. The analysis from the outcomes conveys that a significant portion of the respondents population attends the lectures and workshops for four days a week. A fewer number of students replied with three days and a minority answered with five days. On asking them about the time that it takes to reach the University, majority of studen ts responded with around 5 to 10 minutes by walking; whereas, those availing public transport usually come from distant locations, thereby needs much more time to reach the destination. Most of the students are familiar with social media and frequently visits University cafe or restaurants Rationale The visit to University restaurants or cafes are somewhat related to social media as majority of the students like to spend their time in social media while sitting in the University cafes.This statement is true asmajority of the students regularly use the social networking and social media services for more than 20 to 30 hours per week sitting in the University cafes or restaurants. The responses include two females of 19years of age pursuing business and accounting course who spend around 80 hours in the social media and social networking sites. Most of the students speak about three languages, a significant portion speaks about two to five languages, one 24 years old female speaks a total of seven languages studies accounting and finance from theUniversity. Analysis The response to the questions regarding how often the students visit to University cafe or restaurants range from 0 (Not at all) to 10 (Most likely).According to the collected responses received from the students of the University, it can be said that the majority of the population moderately visits the University cafeteria and restaurants (about three times in a week). On the other hand, another significant portion of the University goers eats from the University cafes about twice a week. An ignorable or minor number of people almost daily avail the food services from the University restaurants and cafes. During the term time, about 67 students out of the total 109 respondents stay at home. Another group of students uses either the University accommodation services or private accommodation. Conclusion and Recommendations By analyzing the outcomes and results received from the respondents, it can be concluded that the majority of students stay at home during the term time. Others avail the University accommodation or the private accommodation during the term times. The University restaurants and cafes do moderate business during the weekdays. It can be beneficial for the University business if they improve the products and services of the University caf and restaurant, introduce new attractive food menu items and establish faster and efficient facilities and services. Apparently, majority of the student groups speak multiple languages and spends significant amount of time in the online social media and networking sites. The major number of students are satisfied with their course Rationale It is true as majority of the students responded to be moderately satisfied with their courses. Many of the students are more likely to use the services of the University bus to reach their destination. Lot of the student respondents spends quite significant amount of money on average at lunch. The highest number of students has English as their first language. Apart from that, many other students have first languages such as French, Malayalam, Nepalese, Urdu, Farsi, Somali, Hindi, Kurdish, Norwegian, Tamil, Bengali, Albanian, Italian, and so on. Analysis The response of the questions range from 1 (Not Satisfied) to 5 (Highly Satisfied). It is assumed that a student responding with 4 or 5 is highly satisfied with their course. The major portion of the students presented 3 that means they are moderately satisfied with their courses and thus this statement can be accepted.The students mostly come from an English background that is moderately satisfied with the present courses that are taught in the University. However, from the above fact a recommendation can be drawn for the University to improve or restructure their course content so that more number of students find greater interest in studying the different courses offered in the University. Conclusion and Recommendations From the above analysis, it can be concluded that the majority of students have English as their first language and suggest further enhancements in the course structure of the University as well as they need improved quality of teaching, larger sizes of the classrooms. The students mostly eat food from the canteen, star bucks at the library or fromsubway. Mostly the students prefer business information analysis as their module Rationale It is believed to be true as majority of the students choose Business Information Analysis as their choice of course to study.The University has different types of activities that are performed in the induction week. In this scenario, more number of socializing events can be introduced that will essentially facilitate the University to establish higher level of interaction that in turn increases the amount of coordination, collaboration and cooperation among the students. Furthermore, it is also important to emphasize on the necessity of acquiring adequate skills and competence in team building and development. Analysis The information was gathered on the choice of courses from the students where most responded with Business Information analysis as their module.The students mostly responded with Business Information Analysis as their favorite module. On asking about their part time job, an equal portion of the population of the student respondents either have or do not have a part time job. Majority of the student respondents have already thought about their future career options. Conclusion and Recommendations The Kingston University has multiple choices of activities for the induction week. Some of the example activities for the induction week are socializing events and activities, workshops, team building, lectures, campus tours and so on. Majority of the students have chosen Kingston Universityas their first choice Rationale It is assumedas true because the majority of the students presented Kingston University as their first choice of preference for their study.The Kingston University was the first choice for the majority of the students who participated in the questionnaire survey. Apart from that, a significant portion of the student population also voted for the clearance choice. There are multiple types of societies that the student can be part of such as business or entrepreneur, sports or hobbies, cultural or faith, volunteering, and so on. Analysis This statement can be accepted as out of 109 respondents 49 students responded Kingston University as their first choice. From the collected information, it can be concluded that the most preferred and most favorite social networking and social media app is WhatsApp. On the contrary, Skype is the least used and least favorite social media app as voted by the student respondents. Conclusion and Recommendations From the above data collection and data analysis process, it is evident that most of the students use WhatsApp as their common mode for socializing. Apart from that, various students with significantly diverse cultural and lingual backgrounds have naturally selected Kingston University as their first choice. The majority of students (around 33 students out of the total 109) respondents chose the Kingston Universitys canteen food store for having their lunch; whereas, library Starbucks is also a popular choice among the students. Most students have experience in using both Excel and Statistics Rationale This is true as the students have essentially learnt to use the statistics tools and method as well as operated with the Excel functions both in the schools and throughout their academic careers so far. Analysis 42 out of the total 109 student respondents replied that they have used both statistics and excel in their academic career. Therefore, it can be said that majority of the students are adequately familiar and experienced with using statistics and excel tools. Conclusion and Recommendations Therefore, students of Kinston University are adequately familiar with the tools for data analysis for research and study related purposes. Most students want to go for UK employment after completing their graduation Rationale The students are most likely to obtain the necessary education, required skill set in their academic careers spent in schooling and university. The graduation course helps them in gaining adequate knowledge to be able to start a challenging professional career. Analysis From the 109 student respondents of Kingston University, 55 students responded that they want to go for UK employment. From the rest of students (54) about 23 respondents said they want to for a career that combines study and employment together. Conclusion and Recommendations Therefore, it is obvious that students are mostly inclined towards engaging themselves in employment after successfully passing out their graduation degrees. Majority of students are from United Kingdom Rationale The Kingston University is located in the southwest of London in the United Kingdom. Therefore, it is most likely that the majority of students belong to UK itself. Analysis From a total 109 student respondents, 81 of them are from United Kingdom. Apart from that, 16 students are Non-UK and 12 of them are Non-EU. Conclusion and Recommendations It can be concluded that the University mostly attracts its student base from the country itself. Apart from that, there are significant portions of population who belong outside of UK. Majority of students use WhatsApp and Instagram as their common social media app Rationale WhatsApp can be considered as the most common form of social media use as it facilitates an efficient and easy to use platform for instant messaging that helps the students keep in touch and stay up-to-date. Analysis 34 students out 109 use WhatsApp, whereas 21 of them use Instagram. Rest of them use mostly use Facebook. Apart from them, there are users of Twitter, Skype, Snapchat and many more. Conclusion and Recommendations Students find WhatsApp most feasible and efficient to use as a form of social media app due to is easy to use and efficient features involving easy and instant sharing of messages, videos, or photos. Results Figure 1: University degree Figure 2: Mode of transportation Figure 3: Place to live during term time Figure 4: Favorite Module Figure 5: Favorite Kingston Hill Campus Caf Figure 6: Preferred activity in induction week Figure 7: Preferred activity in induction week Figure 8: Type of choice for Kingston University Figure 9: Favorite social media app Findings The overall data analysis process has been performed to yield some useful information that helps in determining the importance of business information analysis. Each of the statement included in this paper concentrates on the preliminary aspects of studying in University and the associated factors.The analysis establishes some ground rules and enables suggesting some recommendations to improve the Universitys business system. The University infrastructure, for example, can be improved to accommodate the growing number of students. In addition to that, the University restaurants and cafeterias can do better business if variety of high quality food are introduced in the menu. Students mostly mentioned the factors such as quality of teaching, number of social events and size of classrooms as the weak points and in need of improvements. It can further be concluded that students who live closer to the University mostly prefer to walk on foot to reach their University. On the other hand, the students who stay at some distant places require using either public transportation services or University bus to reach the University. Apart from that, the students mostly want to pursue a career and at the same time continue with the higher studies.In addition, very little number of students wants to further study only. Furthermore, almost all of the participant students have thought about their future career options and a significant portion of them already have a part time job. On asking about the workload involved in the part time job, students mostly responded neutrally. However, the degree of comfort or adjustment with the University was either moderate or low for most of the participants. Conclusion The report discusses about the business information analysis and understanding the business Structures, Policies And Needs for change to be able to recommend proper strategies and solutions. The structure of the report consisted of the main statements obtained from the data collection and questionnaire survey conducted with specific objectives. The study included a total 109 student respondents in the question answer session. The data analysis process is carried out in detail in this paper. In addition to that, it includes a comprehensive visual representation of the primary or fundamental factors yielded from the data collection and data analysis process that has been performed with the help of the data formulated in the excel sheet. Lastly, the findings section represents a brief overview of the entire study and analysis performed on the topic of business information analysis involving the University students as participants in the research.

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